Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Peepoo Bag: A Biodegradable, Single-use Toilet

Anders Wilhelmson, a Swedish architect, professor, and entrepreneur, has developed this thing called the Peepoo bag. It’s a single-use toilet for slums in the developing world where there aren’t permanent facilities. From The New York Times:

Once used, the bag can be knotted and buried, and a layer of urea crystals breaks down the waste into fertilizer, killing off disease-producing pathogens found in feces.

This is a great invention. Not only does this bag give people a more sanitary way of dealing with their waste, it also reduces plastic trash and provides some fertilizer. It may seem a little gross, but in slums the alternatives are often much grosser. Wilhelmson plans to sell these for 2 to 3 cents each. I imagine the challenge will be getting them distributed. (hunsonisgroovy)

Doesn’t this make you just feel good about humanity, that someone would invent something so useful and humane?  We need more inventors like this, bravo!

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...