Monday, June 14, 2010

My mucles ache.  My ears are ringing - mostly with all those darn notes I missed.  Isn’t that always the way?  But I hit more notes than I didn’t, and after a year hiatus I’m pretty pleased with the outcome.  6 shows in 3 days.  It’s just like falling off a bike, it all came back to me (I know the adage is just like *riding* a bike, but I forgot how to do that.  Truly I have).  And the setting was GORGEOUS - nestled in the Appalacian mountains surrounded by nothing but green fuzzy trees and men in kilts.  I got to live out my rockstar fantasy too when we were joined onsatge with some of the guys from another band (the loudest drummer I’ve ever played with!) and did the hardest-rockingest version of Byker Hill ever.

Before I left, I was so nervous that it would feel too differently from my heyday as a fiddling fiend - I convinced myself that I was done with the performing life.  I’d been able to live out my dream once, but I was content with leaving it in the past.  I just hoped I wouldn’t embarass myself.

But the moment I stepped into the humidity of Atlanta, I knew I was kidding myself.  The first few notes felt less sure than before, but I found my way.  I adored every second.  I felt grateful for every person who listened and applauded.  I don’t know if I fully appreciated all of these moments back when I was a full-time fiddler, but I like to think I did.  I’m the luckiest  classical-violinist-turned-jazz-fiddler-turned-celtic-fiddler there ever was.  I’m not the greatest player out there, but I’m thankful for whats I got and what I gets to do, that’s for sure!

I may or may not have promised Husband a few very rash things in exchange for the chance to move back in a few years.

Although there was a big HELLLOOOO REALITY!! punch in the face when we got back to the land of the cows - we didn’t get home until 2am this morning, Wonder Girl threw up at 4am and was covered in hives by 5am, then the Dude was up.  So off to the doctor we went.. from rockstar to domesticity in less than 14 hours… sigh…

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...