Saturday, November 2, 2013


Day 2 of NaBloPoMo.  Digging...

Actually I went back in my blog for a few months to see if I could find a post that didn't revolve around the kids, and I finally gave up.  I'm not knocking this mothering gig at all, but they say we're supposed to not loose ourselves or something.  Keep wearing makeup?  Heck, I don't know.  But this is MY blog and I've been blogging for over 12 years now so I should probably keep to the main theme that is ME,ME,ME, yes?  At least attempt to post something that shows deep down, I am still a female human who can function outside of my role as Supreme Leader over the humans I created.

Yep... yep...

I, um...

There was this thing...

I got nothin'.  I am officially lame.  The best description of my life is this:

... just waiting for the humans in my life to come back.  And also trying to keep the baby from .... wait, nope, ME,ME,ME theme here.  Just me, waiting for humans.  And then going bonkers.

WAIT!  Here's a picture of not-the-kids.  Halloween me:

I don't do my hairs ever, but I did stick snakes in them in an attempt to be festive.  AND DEADLY.

OH - and then there was this last week:

We went to an 80s party and I was the lamest person there.  Even the husband made me look lame because he wore vinyl pants.  MY vinyl pants.  That will almost certainly never fit on these birthin' hips again.  GAH.  Seriously, most of the dudes wore wigs, the girls were spackled to perfection, there was awesomeness everywhere and the only cool I brought was that I still own a crimping iron.  Which was too subtle, and now that I type it out sounds mega lame too.  GAH SQUARED.

But hey, look, a post that reflects the true essence of blogging, ME,ME,ME!!!  I'm going to go reward myself with a cookie.  If the mini humans don't catch me, that is.


Jane said...

I think you look very young 80's while Jared looks very Guns-N-Roses 80's.

Jami said...

I don't know. I think owning a crimping iron is very 80s and using it was even more 80s. Did anyone else crimp? Probably not. So you WIN!

HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...