Monday, April 14, 2008

Attack of the Dentes

Yesterday I was sure WonderToddler was either 1. Posessed or 2. Loudly approaching death’s door.  The shrieking, the wailing, the writhing in pain, it was worthy of an exorcisim.  No matter how hard I worked to keep her happy, she went from the screaming to sad wimpering and back again all day long.

SexyHusband found the cause finally - her gums are insanely swollen and she’s got a crop of molars and canines trying to poke through.  Poor thing! 

 Today started out promising (probably because I left her in her crib a tad too long and she was just happy to be OUT) but soon absolutely nothing could keep her from her moans and fake cries and I was out of ideas and patience.  When she gets stir-crazy (usually every day around 10:30am) I get her out of the house - to anywhere, but most preferrably outside.  Even when she was just a few weeks old, she would get super cranky every morning until I would take her outside.  But of course, today is overcast and miserable.

My mind raced to ANYthing WonderToddler likes - yes, I don’t want to be THAT kind of parent, but desperate times and all that…

“Oooh WonderToddler, would you like a french fry??”

*WT perks up* “Feh fye?” she said hopefully.

Sweet! I have an in!  “Yeah, a french fry!!  Wouldn’t that be wonderful?!”

Soon WT is in a foaming happy frenzy repeating “feh fye” over and over again, and I rush to get everything together so we can head out to the closest McDonalds with a playground.

Yes, I shamelessly plied her with fast food to keep her from driving me insane.  I also ordered a water though - so for 2 hours, she ran happily around the playground, periodically coming back to me and asking for another fry or a sip of water - at least I made her say “please.”

 I looked around at the other parents and silently wondered what kind of parent lets their kids eat this stuff.  And then I mentally berated myself because who knows if these kids are all suffering from a horrible case of the teethings too.  Except they were all at least 4 and also male, and incredibly violent.  And she was almost as big as they were!!

Are there no 18 month old girls in this town who are a decent healthy size?!

Am I a horrible parent??  She has no girl friends, and I give her french fries when she hasn’t eaten anything in the last weekend but.. well, nothing.

But as we were leaving, she stopped, pointed at the McDonald’s sign and smiled.

“Mamee!  ‘M!’” 


Okay, I guess I’m doing SOMEthing right:)

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...