Wednesday, May 14, 2008


WT and I both have colds. The icky all over, sore throaty, mucusy coughs kind of cold - and the kind where every time I hear the tiniest sneeze, I have to rush over to her with a tissue because she tends to get curious about the stuff spewing out of her face.  EW.

Days like this get me thinking.  Thankfully, PBS is there to pick up the slack.  Yay educational television!  WT loves it when the TV asks her what letter it is and shouts out “EEEEEEMMMMMM” or whatever with gusto, then does a happy dance.

The time is rapidly approaching that I’m supposed to think about having another one.  SexyHubby has started complaining about his advanced age, and as much as I don’t want to be pregnant or touch another newborn ever again, it’s too late for that.  I had one, and by so doing I commited to the whole ball of wax.  That means siblings.  That’s just how I roll.  I loved it, and I know WT needs it.  End of discussion.

Except now I know that having another one means commiting to:

*9 months of random vomiting in the car

*Being so sick I have to crawl instead of walk around the house 

*Gaining weight

*Childbirth (ARG!!!)

*Not looking in the mirror for at least 6 months (the day after I gave birth I saw my naked body in the mirror and passed out) 

*Then another year of smelling like rancid milk/puke

*No sleep

*The screaming (both of us - ulp - but now 3 of us)

*Post partum depression that doesn’t quit

They aren’t cute for the first few months, and they really do nothing but sit there making trouble.  I know it eventually gets better, and I know I just have to suck it up, with full knowledgu that my life will just be really, really bad for about a year and then it will be a little better. Not back to good, but enough of an improvement from horrible and sleep depravation to make me think things are okay again.

Knowing how bad it gets is enough for me to consider purchasing a chastity belt.   I ask moms all the time about how they handle the pregnancy/newborn stage, and they all smile this kind smile and say it passes.  I do it myself too - and now I know what the smile says.  ”You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so I’m just going to smile and watch you do it!”

I love the line from Malcom in the Middle -

“You want to know what the best thing about childhood is? At some point it stops.”

I just have to survive babyhood till they get to childhood.  And we all know how that went last time.  Arg.

Yes, I am fully aware many of you use this blog as birth control.  You’re welcome.  Also, I know that I can use the “it won’t be as bad this time!” excuse… but I have a feeling.  My life has a way of bouncing me around….

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...