Saturday, October 4, 2008

I’ve been remiss to say anything, but there’s no hiding it anymore.  I am actually scared by how much I love this little girl.  I didn’t think I’d be this kind of gushing nitwit, but I am.

Tonight, daddy is at a church meeting, so we were all alone.  Bath time - the whole bedtime ritual - used to fill me with dread to go it alone.  But now, my almost 2 year old WonderToddler knows what is happening an takes joy in the process.

1. Potty time - “I did it!!  Peepee in the potty!!”  Clapping, giggles.  The toilet has never been so adorable.

2. Playing the the tub. Playing with the foam letters in the tub.  “Where’s the Q?  I need Q??  Yay Q!!  *gasp*  Mommy -  have 2 ‘L’s!!! Put L in water!!”

3.  Trying to towel off.. for some reason the idea of the towel is unfun, so I have to chase her naked self running all over the house.  I would be more strict, but her little legs and squeals are too funny to squelch.

4.  “Jammies??  HAHAHAH!!!”  She asks PLEASE for her pacifier(her word:Fuhway) and washcloth(Bweak) snugglies.   I limit her paci time, but I can hardly say no when she so sweetly says “Fuhway please!”  I love my polite kid!!

5.  Warm up a bottle of milk - “Numbers - mommy PLEASE may have numbers?!?” she insists I hold her up so she can count along with the microwave.

6. Prayer time - she curls up on my lap, folds her arms and says most of the prayer for me.  No asking to bless SpongeBob this time, but she usually asks for blessings on her friends… and then she lists all of them:)

7. Bottle and bed.  She snuggles in, drinks, and then I put her in the crib.  She knows what is happening, she giggles at the joy to get to snuggle her favorite bunny, says “Love you mommy!” and is gone to the world.

I can’t help it… I really cringe when I meet those happy-happy-“I love my boobahbaby oh so much oooo”-people, or worse yet, read their blogs…  but the more I get to know this little person, the more in awe I am at her kindness, her joy, her imagination, her creativity, her intelligence, and how blasted friendly she is.

I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father knew the only way I would warm up to this motherhood thing is if I was given one of the most incredible little girls ever.  Amazing.

You may commence gagging.

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