Monday, November 3, 2008

We had a houseguest this weekend - a friend of a friend who needed a place to stay while in town for a wedding, and she was quite delightful and fun to play with.  But the most important part of this boring tale is this woman from the west that slept in my guest bedroom was the person whoe would FINALLY teach me how to use an RSS reader.

Yes, I know, I’m web savvy - been doing my own html for years - but for the life of me could not understand it and all I needed was someone to show me the way.  A few “click here, click there” and finger pointing and I got it.  YESSS!!!!!  No more checking every blasted blog I follow by using my Favorites!!  I have joined 2006, people!!!

I know I’m behind.  Just smile and nod.  I’ll just be a minute.

*does happy dance, which looks remarkaby like the chicken dance*

What this means, dear friends, is that I’ll be able to comment way better, because I’ll actually know when you updated.

Now all I need is someone to teach me how to:

  • Sew

  • Decorate

  • Cook

  • Parent

  • Clean

  • Make witty stage banter

Then my friends, I will be poised to take over the planet.

Oh - and actually one more thing - how do you find out who is following YOU on their RSS feed?  I would like to be able to stalk my stalkers.  They love that.

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...