Saturday, August 1, 2009

bless his heart....

That’s something my mother in law says when talking about a soul who is particularly… particular.  She’s very sweet about it, and it stops any conversation about the person’s oddities because it reminds you that they are just human, like any of us.  I really like using that phrase when I feel like dogging on someone.  Good karma.

So bless the heart of the dear friend I talked to yesterday who gave me so, so much advice on pregnancy and labor and beyond.  I’ve never been to a birthing class, that’s a luxury my life hasn’t afforded what with the moves coinciding with my labors and all.  But he has - his wife is pregnant and they are apparently followers of the Bradley method of childbirth.  So I got an earful about all the things SH should be doing for me, what signs to look for in labor and all that.  Like I haven’t actually given birth before.  Hrm.  Bless his heart.

But hen he started in on why it’s so important I breastfeed, even for a few days.  I tried to kindly explain my situation, what happened last time and what we discovered about my body chemistry and why I’m at peace with letting go of that this time around.  Then he explained again why I need to breastfeed.  And again.  I was polite, but I’m wondering now why I didn’t scream to him that since HE’S not the one carrying a child and getting to go through all this AND HAS DONE THIS BEFORE - in a foreign country, without birthing classes, without family coming and spending months helping out, and has learned what I can do and cannot do by DOING, and I’m now just lucky to be in America and with doctors that are fully appraised of my situation and were the ones to tell me NOT TO NURSE because of my medical history AND YES, I WANT A BLASTED EPIDURAL BECAUSE MY WORTH AS A MOTHER DOES NOT DEPEND ON HOW I GAVE BIRTH AND IF I SQUIRTED LIQUID GOLD OUT OF MY BOOBS, BUT HOW I MANAGE TO LEARN TO LOVE AND GIVE AND TEACH MY DAUGHTER TO BE A KIND AND LOVING FRIGGIN’ GENIUS EVERY BLASTED DAY and that he should shut his blessed yapper. 

Bless his friggin’ heart.

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...