Tuesday, September 1, 2009

pick pick

(image circa 2005)

My husband is the pickiest person I know.  I hate cooking for him because he’s so picky.  Making any decision is tough because I need to run it past him just to see if his supreme pickiness is okay with it.  Because he’s is so dang picky.  I come from a No Picky Eaters In Our House house, with a side of You’ll Take It And You’ll Like It.  I mean, I have my opinions, but holy CRAP he’s picky.

But you know what the cool part is?  Mr. Supreme Pickiness is so dang picky about everything and yet - he picked ME.  When I get down, I stop and remember that.  All the gals that weren’t good enough, not just right, whatever, but I was.

That makes me feel pretty dang cool.

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