Friday, March 19, 2010


Okay, not really, but I may be.  I need a house.  We have to move out of the place we’re in because of some silly or stupid real estate dealings (we’re not sure which one it is, but we need to move, regardless) and find a place to live.  Problem is, we can’t find anything decent.  Because this is a creepy old town in the middle of nowhere.  The houses are either over 100 years old and falling apart, decently aged but too small, or new and overpriced.  We seriously can’t find anything that works.  I’m going batty here.  And do I want something nice because we’ll be here for a while or just something temporary and will-do-for-now because we’ll get a miracle that moves us somewhere temperate and without cows in a year or so?  Who knows?

I am kind of okay with the fact that I’ve had to move so often - I’d love it if we continued the trend and had to move again soon - (although I do love Husband employed… le sigh…) but where to live NOW?  I hhhhaaaatttteeee packing as we all know.  How do some people live and die in the same place?  How on earth is that even possible in the 21st century?

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...