Saturday, March 6, 2010

ONE MILLION!! (punches in the face)

Remember how I said I was doing okay with the whole leaving-my-music-dreams-behind?  Oh, I’m working at it, I am SO working at it, but it’s high-holy gig season for a celtic band and not only am I hearing all about the gigs and how woooonderful they are, now they’re posting videos from performances.  So happy for them, REALLY, but it’s like getting punched repeatedly in the face.  Breathing, moving on, DANG IT. Interwebs friends, please distract me.  Tell me a joke, anything.  And if you post a video of yourself doing a raindance or getting hit on the head (I don’t know why I find those so hilarious), I might have to give you a medal.

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...