Monday, May 31, 2010


We had 2 families over for dinner yesterday - sooo many children….  I think I’ll recover some time next month.  It was a lovely time though, you’re always a little closer with someone you’ve “broken bread” with, as my mom would say.

We don’t have a whole lot in common with either couple - oh, except the one guy who was born the same EXACT DAY as Husband, went to BYU at the same time, had jobs at not one, but TWO of the same places there, and both went on Portuguese-speaking missions.  And didn’t meet each other until they moved here - how’s that for freaky??

Anywho, all the ladies are doing the stay-at-home mom gig, but each in our own way, I suppose.  This was quite obvious after dinner… we sat in the living room all talking, except for Husband, who was in the kitchen putting things away.  At one point one of the moms turned to me and asked incredulously - “Reva, why is your Husband in the kitchen, on his knees, cleaning the floor??”

“Um… because something spilled on the floor?” I said.  Husband looked up.  “There was some gunk on the floor,” he called.

She didn’t say anything, just looked surprised.  I must admit, so was I, but at her.  Husband thought about it - “Hon, did you make any of the dinner?”  Hrm… aside from cutting some potatoes and mixing the powdered lemondade, it was all him.

“He cooks?” she asked.  I laughed.

“You haven’t tasted my cooking, but you do NOT want to.”  Heck, when she gave birth a few weeks ago and I was signed up to come bring a meal, I brought frozen pizzas.  It was the compassionate choice, really.  “He’s a much better cook,” I said.  She was just in shock…. something tells me her husband doesn’t - although it might be her fault, she’s a decent cook.  It’s a matter of surival in our house.

The evening went on, but I kept thinking about it.  I am quite the lucky woman.  My dad’s idea of making food is to find whatever he can in the kitchen and put it on some bread with whatever condiment will make it stick on.  Mostly mustard.  I have seen Cheerios involved as well.  Husband’s dad makes far more edible fare.  And his whole family has this thing where if they see someone struggling - they HAVE to jump in and fix it.  So, because I am such a klutz in the kitchen especially when quests are coming over, he doesn’t say anything, he just steps in and does it.  I don’t take it for granted - I am quite aware it is AWESOME.

Her incredulity was high-larious though.  Husband HAS to be awesome.  The man has to eat.

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