Friday, March 9, 2012

have an epic weekend

Holy snap, look what youtube gave me!!  The music video for the Neverending Story!!

And then it gave me this gem, and 2011 performance - with backup dancers and a plushie Falkor the Luckdragon!!!!!  YESSSS!!!!!

I just realized every sentence in this post has multiple exclamation points, but I also think they are entirely justified!!!!!


Natalie said...

Holy Toledo! You just kicked off my spring break with a beautiful gift!
Ah, memories.
Bless you, child.

Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh...I am having flashbacks...haven't seen that movie in FOREVER!

Teresa said...

Best Movie EVERRRRR!!!!

Jane said...

That is a movie I never think about until someone else mentions it and then I am thrust back to memories of grade school and the number of times we watched it at sleepovers. Which was a lot of times.

Jane said...

That is a movie I never think about until someone else mentions it and then I am thrust back to memories of grade school and the number of times we watched it at sleepovers. Which was a lot of times.

HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...