Monday, July 23, 2012

365 days 180-191

I caught the reflection of the fan in my specs.

County fair!  We didn't ride any rides because the last time we tried that, poor WonderGirl was terrified, but we went around looking at the animals, which was tres amusing.  One really amusing part was how many teens who were showing their cows in the competition were sitting next to their cows, eating burgers.  Is it just me, or does that seems a little rude to the poor cow?

We had a date night with some friends at an all-you-can-eat Mongolian place in Mad-Town.  I had to prop up my feet on the dash and unbuckle my skinny jeans on the way home.  

Two dates in two days??  It won't happen again for a long time, but the husband couldn't resist one more demolition derby of the season, and I got to tag along .  The drive included a trip on a ferry and ice cream, too!
It's HOT.  Tying up my hair and getting down to work.
Dreaming of bed... this summer is just draining me!
Circus World day!
The hubs sister was in town so we finished up the trip with some deep conversation about mortgages and other such adult things.  It always comes to me as a shock that I've grown to the place where people around me discuss such responsible things.  No worries, I didn't understand any of it.
I'm not as miserable as I look, just tired and ug-lay.
Some friend had us over for homemade quesadillas.  Oh my heavens, the cilantro, the cheese, the massive deep frying...  I was toast.
Oooo, I didn't phone it in today!  I tried to go for a deep picture of me posing with some headache meds.  I think the husband gave me his broken brain.
No TV on Sunday means we spend more time together, which we do.  Until the kids went down and we plopped on the couch checking FB and blogs on our phones in tandem.

1 comment:

Jane said...

So many concepts to comment on means I always forget something! So crazy.
I want to take your photo class!

HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...