Temple-bound. We loaded up the kids on a whim and headed to the Chicago temple last weekend. Very needed battery recharge for our spirits, despite the no sleep and 3 hour drive.
On the way home I was craving a Chicago-style dog, but husband had a better idea - find a Golden Corral. The kids ate everything they could get - including cotton candy - and there was a real chocolate fountain!! Sugar cookies and chocolate fountains are 2 of my largest weaknesses. I miss the South...
8-12-12A self-portrait of me lying in bed, exhausted out of my ever living brain.
If I'm going to spend a good portion of the summer sick on the couch, at least I have a good snuggle buddy.
I was too sick to go get a bowl for my hint-of-lime chips, so I piled them on my chest and ate them from there. Don't judge.
Our garden is producing!! Of course I have no idea what to do with all these cucumbers and peppers... I can only eat so many pickles.
The husband and I got to be involved in the coolest concert on the Square here in town, put on by the library. We put on our jammies and played some lullabies (he played bass) and it was so fabulous!! I rushed to get this picture in the middle of getting ready and darn it if it wasn't the least attractive picture ever taken of me ever. I was in a rush AND developing pinkeye (unbeknownst to me, because I'm an idiot). So let's provide a distraction, shall we? WonderGirl is on FIAH!!!
The Dude's birthday present from me was NOT giving him pinkeye. Yet.
We had a sushi night with friends and they had this deeeelicious smoked salmon that we paired with cream cheese for one of the most delicious rolls ever, especially what will me seriously craving bagels with cream cheese and lox lately. What is with the lack of Jewish delicatessens in Wisconsin???
My first attempt (and cruddy, it can only get better) of a belly shot. I'm about 13 weeks now and I'm starting to poke out, or at least have enough pudge that I can try and pass it off as a baby bump.
So now I hae to dig out the maternity clothes. I have one small box of them and I HATE them. UGH. Maternity clothes stink and are super crappy AND super expensive, plus my previous experiences with pregnancy coincided with the husband getting laid off and major moves, so I never had the time or money to amass a decent collection. The shirts are always too tight and juuust too short and so blasted low-cut. Snarlgrumblesnarlblllaaaarrrgghhh. I don't foresee the prudence in getting anything decent because I also don't foresee needing to wear them ever past this winter, so every day when I get dressed I'm going to end up screaming in the mirror. Until next March. Lucky husband.
Madam, do I understand correctly that you are but a third of a way through your pregnancy, and you anticipate stressing every morning for the remainder of it because you don't have adequate maternity clothes and consider it imprudent to obtain them? May I inquire as to how much your mental health is worth? A dollar or two a day, perhaps? Would not $200 of well-chosen maternity clothes make your life much easier, even if you never wore them again and could only use them to enrich the lives of other, future-pregnant women? Or in other words, JUST BUY YOURSELF SOME DANG CLOTHES.
Very truly yours,
A concerned citizen
Also, HEY, look what I found in my Twitter feed today. Cheap modest maternity stuff!
Can't you buy a larger size?
Also, sorry about the pinkeye.
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