Tuesday, July 1, 2008

post trip doldrums

Oh, I can’t even beging to describe how absolutely amazing and fantastic my week was.  Imagine it - everywhere I turned, someone who loved me and loved WonderToddler.  An entire week without that constant state of tension I live in, trying to meet WT’s needs, keep her at my side and ready to sprint when she runs away in public(and she’s fast, people!).  My brothers, sister(inlaw), Mom, aunts, uncles, cousins and one crotchety grandpa all fell in love with the WonderToddler I love, and stepped in to play, catch and distract while I got to have fun like I was a kid again, and BREATHE.

Picture it - a whole day with my siblings and cousins, just playing and having fun while my aunt and Mom gave WT the time of her life.  Minature golf full of my all my brothers creepy dancing (and one hole inone by me!). The beach with a whole crew of us - playing in the waves, playing in the sand, eating my uncle’s AMAZING grill skillz, and sitting around a raging fire toasting marshmallows.  Watching my little girl be happier than I’ve ever seen her as she bounded from my mom to my aunt, squealing their names and dancing at the very sight of them.  I can’t give the week justice, but the memories are so precious to me and I treasured every moment of joy and peace.

Today was different.  I spent the day alone with WT like I usually do, and most of the evening too since SH was off on some meetings.  I’m back on ready-to-sprint mode, and I miss my family so much I ache.  I’m so blasted lucky to have a family that I love so much.  But I spent WonderToddler’s naptime trying to find tickets back to see them.  Except for the killer awesome time I spend with my band, I mostly only interact with people who have kids for WT to play with or my students.  Good golly, I’m bored out of my mind!

PPPFFFFFTTTTT. Okay, enough complaining.  It’s only because I wish I could live that week over and over again and never stop - it was that good.  I’m such a lucky gal to have had at least one week like that.


Oh, and the BorderCollies, my faboo celtic band just got selected to be on the Georgia Council of the Arts touring roster thingy.  This is AWESOME people!  Gigs in random corners of this ecclectic state, and even the possibilty of some national shows!  Now I just have to find a flight case for my fiddle… that’s a problem I’m not sorry to have.  SUWEET!!!

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...