Wednesday, July 2, 2008

(via garfieldminusgarfield)

That one brick I’m missing? It’s kind of a good thing.  If I did have it, I’d use it to throw at someone today.  Such as….

  • The other people at the pool who looked at me with amusement as my WonderToddler threw a fit to end all fits tbat resulted in having to make a quick, very shrill exit.

  • My kitchen pantry for not having enough flour for me to make some blasted bread for dinner.  (no don’t worry, you aren’t in some parallel universe where I cook and stuff - it’s the bread machine.  And I’ll let robots do whatever the freak they want.)

  • My kitchen floor.  Just cuz.  It’s ugly and stuff.

  • Anyone who posts a wedding photo.  Ever.  No offense to you happy folks, but my wedding day was far from happy, and I don’t have a single decent picture from it.  Maybe because it was because was such a disaster from the day we decided to get married, but every time I see a beautiful bride or a happy couple, I die a litle inside because I wasn’t one, and I’ll never get the chance. (And ever since that day, I’ve been happy as a clam.  I loves me some married life, I just wish I’d gotten to have that one day I’d dreamed about.)

  • All the women on TV who are wearing underpants and nothing else.  Good golly, why do I have to see that?  Why do young girls have to see that?  Why can’t we just oogle womanhood and not some souless sexpot?

  • Hrm… and I’d probably actually throw the brick right at myself too.  What a grumpy mcgrumperson I am. It’s just that kind of day. Gag.

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...