Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'll take it.

A few days ago, a single lady friend of mine and I were chatting via the Facebooks about the sad state of the single mens - when Husband piped in and started thinking of chaps he knew he could set her up with.  He’s apparently good at this, because since we all take credit in some small way for setting my my brother with his now PERFECTFORHIM fiancee (okay, I’m trying to take a big pile of credit since I’m the one who married Husband) it was actually Husband who was the first to say “Hey, you know who would go really well with your brother?” and voila, the perfect relationship was born.

But this is not my point.  Although the match is 184 kinds of awesome.  So he suggested our friend check out his cousin on the Facebooks and apparently they have hit it off as well.  That is not the point either.

A day later she was chatting with Husband about things and she mentioned the reason she’d messaged me that day was because she’d been feeling fed up with the same ol’ boys who want the nice, safe same ol’ girl - especially the Mormon ones, and she apparently wanted to commiserate and get some perspective from moi, a fellow un-cookie cutter, unstereotypical gal.

Let’s blame it on the hormones, shall we?  Did I just get called something other than boring midwestern housewife??  I cried it made me so happy.  And then Husband told me the crying was lame and x-ed out my briefly-held cool points.  But for a second someone remembered I was NOT as I unfortunately appear today?  Oh yeah, I’ll take it.

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...