I thought maybe I got Seasonal Affective Disorder in the cold months. Turns out I do get SAD, but my version stands for Seasonal Anger Disorder. Snow+cold+neverending=MAD.REVA.
We had our first big snowstorm this weekend - church was cancelled, it took the husband over 2 hours to plow the driveway, and I stayed in the house with the kids the entire time. Now, I do that verra often. Unless the weather is good here, there is NOWHERE.TO.GO. No “let’s pop in the car and see our friend!” or “let’s be spontaneous and run to that great kid-friendly place in the 90 minutes before the Dude has to go down for a nap AGAIN!” Well, there is the library, but it is not Dude friendly. He eats books. I’m used to having no options, I am. I don’t enjoy it, but I get it.
Now though, the snow has come. The big snow. The snow that will last and last and last and last. Piles of snow next to the street as tall as I am (or taller) and snow packed so thick on the roads that I won’t see pavement in most places until March. I am not a great driver, (despite growing up in Colorado - although the roads don’t STAY that bad in Denver. It melts, frequently) but now with the snow AND the fact that my van is a good Southern van and skids all over the road with the least provocation, I.AM.MAD. I am mad because not only there is nowhere to go, but I really can’t go anywhere anyway. It took me 15 minutes to get 2 kids dressed to get in the car and then 25 minutes to drive the 4 mile round-trip to WonderGirl’s preschool. I drove soooo slow, but the roads and my van decided to go ice skating so then I had to drive even slower. Like 8 mph slow. I took the main road in town, hoping it would be clearer, but no dice. There were 6 cars following me so close I could almost hear them breathing (there are 2 lanes!! Pass me, durn it!!), so on the way home I decided to take the back way, only to have some old guy with a handicapped sticker on his car hug my bumper almost the entire time. And I still got stuck briefly and swerved a bit.
I’m mad. I’m mad that we live close to interesting things - like Circus World, a small zoo and gazillions of parks and I can’t take my kids to ANY of them until at least April. Stupid snow and cold!! If it was just snow, maybe, but I have a 15 month old who gets madder with each layer on him (if you have ever had a 15 month old, you know trying to get them to do something good for them is like asking an animal not to bite at its stitches). Yes, I’m actually mad at the weather. I’m not mad at the town (maybe the drivers a little bit), or the fact that we live here. I’m thrilled beyond belief that my husband is gainfully employed. I am so thankful that he supports us so well - from getting that paycheck, to keeping a fire in the fireplace to knowing how to work the snowplow and never once let us down. He is amazing.
No, I’m literally mad at the weather. FURIOUS. I’m probably going to have a heart attack by New Years because of violently angry I am. I need a hotline to call where I can dial in, talk to an actual adult and have them be angrier than I am so I can see how ridiculous I’m being.
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