Friday, May 6, 2011

a brief list of things i currently am pleased with

GLORY GLORY HALLELUJAH, it appears the Dude’s shingles are on the way out.  Poor WonderGirl has been so lonely and bored -as have I.

Tickets have been purchased for a summer vacation in the deep South.  A beach is likely to be involved - huzzah!!!

I’m getting guacamole again tonight!

WonderGirl is registered for 4K for next year.  I’m not thrilled about the choices, but now that’s one thing off my to-do list.

The OT came and checked Forster out and it was AWESOME.  I’ll do a post on it soon, but the just of it was that he’s a normal, healthy boy who is very kinesthetic.  As long as he gets all the snuggles and wrestling that he wants, he’ll start talking when he’s in the mood.  *INSERT HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF HERE*  (although that’s assuming he’ll ever decide he wants to… blagh)

WonderGirl just asked if we could have a violin lesson and then a piano lesson.  YEAH SHE DID!!

My hair looks fairly decent.

We managed to write and post the F video on atreblemaker FINALLY - although now that I watch it, it’s freakishly similar to the E song.  G needs to get creative.

You’re reading my blog!!  That makes my heart super happy!!

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...