Friday, October 21, 2011


Having dealt with another person's poo far more than seems a decent level today, the husband decided to give me a break from my housewife duties and took us out to dinner.

Eating out is a wonderful and awful experience as a parent of young children.  On on hand, you aren't making the food and you aren't serving it or cleaning up.  On the other hand, you are trying to keep your louder-than-a-fog-horn toddler who does NOT want to be strapped into a high chair from ruining the dining experience of all the other patrons.  It's relaxing and stressful all at the same time.

The Dude was in rare form when we walked into the restaurant and was sobbing actual tears of righteous indignation,  The prospect of a peaceful dinner wasn't looking so bright.  That's when I remembered the DVD player, along with the kid's DVDs - were all the van.  I ran to the parking lot and grabbed them, got back to the table and put Dora's Pirate Adventure on at a barely registered volume.

He munched and sang along with Dora, WonderGirl ate and shared her fries with him, and the husband and I breathed a sigh and actually enjoyed a dinner out.  I'm so glad I had kids in the digital age.


Anonymous said...

I gave up on dining out when El Destructo (#1 child) turned two. Took all the Joy of Dining right outta me. Glad to hear your generation has options.

Em T said...

That is an inspired idea...

Elizabeth said...

:) I love this. I especially love that Wondergirl shared her fries. yeah, love.

Jane said...

It's true. I am so glad I live now with toilets and showers and computers and microwaves and all that stuff.
Good quick thinking Mommy!

The Atomic Mom said...

James never eats food in a restaurant. Then again, he barely eats food at home -- how he is as big as he is, is a total mystery to me. I usually have to bring food he will eat and I get weird looks from the servers. I just say "Food allergy", which is not totally untrue, but anyway....

Mara said...

I'll keep this idea in mind for when Gabriel turns 2. Hooray for technology!

HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...