Having a yellow chair rocks.
Well helloooo there.
4-14-12The local children's theater put on Charlotte's Web, so I got the brilliant notion to take WonderGirl. But I also got the brilliant notion that she HAD to read it before she went, and then I didn't make it to the library until 2 days before. So Friday afternoon when the Dude went for a nap, we popped some popcorn and read. And read. And read. For about 4 hours. We read all of Charlotte's Web in one sitting. SHE loved it, I got a headache, and realized that I'd forgotten how much of the plot revolved around a SPIDER. I hate spiders. I also had eaten leftover Easter ham for lunch. But it was all worth it to see her watch the play. She gets INTO these things. I'm a fan.

Remember how annoying my laptop is? I took this of the Google homepage trying to load. You can ree part of my angry reflection (I added an arrow for help).
Profile. I didn't realize how insane my hair usually looks.
Mama bear.
Unedited and freckled.
I know, right? When I was a kid it did not bother me at all that Charlotte was a spider. Now, I wonder why some bird flying by didn't just eat her.
Spiders don't live that long anyway.
love your messy hair and freckles :)
You are such a wonderful and loving mother, not to mention beautiful and creative as well!
ha. that reading marathon is us EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. when we have not read our book for mother/daughter book club. some months are worse than others though. so, i can relate to the headache of reading for a few hours straight.
but you eating leftover easter ham cracked me up.
we love seattle children's theater plays..it's always a treat when we get to go to one. i'm glad you both were able to go!
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