I’m so offended by this story I can’t even see straight. How on earth can people still have the prejudice to say we are not Christians?! Is a philosophy only acceptable if it is by a Baptist, a Methodist, a Lutheran - but even though we share the same strong core belief in Christ, heck, we share the same scripture, the Bible! - but if someone writes a successful book and happens to be Mormon, it automatically is propaganda instead of a simply a book a good person wrote???
Yo Delilah: I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Yes, that’s a Mormon. I have read and learned from great thinkers of all religions - I DON’T DISCRIMINATE. My daughter attends a daycare at a Lutheran church and I love and respect their commitment to Christ, same as me. They teach my daughter Lutheran hymns, she teaches them ours. We believe in Jesus Christ. My religion is not a dirty word.
I don’t care what religion you are, or aren’t. I don’t care if you believe in Christ or not, that’s your call. That’s why we’re here, to figure it all out. Just do your thing, find your path. Don’t stop to try and tear others down along the way. Whoever you think is out there - that’s not part of His plan. I promise you.
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