Saturday, February 27, 2010

more questions

Do you send Christmas cards? Am I a terrible person for just not caring enough to do it?

I come from a family that not only sends them, but designs really cool ones, gets them printed up and sends them to just about every country on the planet (Dad is crazy friendly). But I… I can’t do it. I have a strange phobia of the post office and stamps and such. Not getting stuff, love it, but I can’t send it. I could go into why, but mostly I’m insane. I have loving, wonderful friends who send cards, gifts, lots of thoughtful things, and who love me for my inability to get my crap together and send anything ever. I don’t like this about myself at all, but have to accept that I can’t work on this yet since I’ve got all those other things I need to work on like housewifery (blah) and parenting. And to my loved ones who love me anyway - I LOVE YOU!!!!!  I’ll figure out how to be as awesome as you someday…

What is the one article of clothing you can’t live without?

My magic dress. It’s MAGIC. Put it on and I look like my waist goes IN again. MAGIC. (I promise someday I’ll get around to taking a pic of it)

Who handles the finances in your house? Any tips?

Oh, that’s hilarious. Before we moved to Brasil (first year and a half o’ marriage) we had separate accounts and I shared his account as well and it worked out great. I was working and took care of some bills with my account and the big stuff, but having the little bit I earned as a small pool was awesome. Also, I got paid in cash a lot (violin teaching) and since I am SOOO responsible, you could actually walk over our house and find small piles of money everywhere. I’m nuts, I may not have much money in the bank but if I can see it, I feel rich. $40 in the bathroom, a hundred or two in the silverware drawer… at one point Husband decided to collect ‘em all up and found over a thousand dollars. Yeah. Then we moved and I haven’t had a steady income since, so one bank account. But those days were kind of awesome. Now, since he’s the responsible one (comparatively) he does the thinking. I pay the bills because he’s trying to teach me how to be responsible. heh. We haven’t had the power turned off… yet…

Fun stuff! Ask away!

Ask me anything

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HEAR YE. I need to document the fact that I ran 3 miles and didn't feel like death.  So just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did...